Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Eating Disorders Are Not Only Teenage Problems

Eating disorder refers to the changes in eating routine. Some cases may have eating disorder due to over eating of food and some may be just eating very little amount of food. This disorder may occur at any age or any period of life, but mostly it can be seen in the teenagers as they are more conscious about their weight. And if they are suffering from the overweight problem, they just stop eating to lose the excess weight from their body to stay fit. It is being analyzed by the doctor’s that most of the females suffers from eating disorder as compared to males as they are more conscious about their figure & weight.

Types of Eating Disorders:
         a. Anorexia nervosa
             Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are the two most common disorders. A person suffering from anorexia nervosa restricts the amount of food he/she consume. This leads to the drastic loss of weight and put their health at risk. Sometimes this extreme loss results in a skeletal appearance and the sufferer have to take to an emergency care clinic.

         b. Bulimia nervosa
             People suffering from bulimia nervosa go through phases of binge eating and then purging the food by either making themselves vomit or using laxatives. Bulimics are often overweight. Individuals feel loss of control during these binge episodes. The binge eating can lead to serious health consequences such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

        c. Compulsive Overeating
            Compulsive Overeating is characterized as an "addiction" to food, using food and eating as a way to hide from their emotions, to fill a void they feel inside, and to cope with daily stresses and problems in their lives.

         d. Binge Eating Disorder
             Men and Women with Binge Eating Disorder suffer a combination of symptoms similar to those of Compulsive Overeaters and Bulimia. The sufferer consuming an unusually large quantity of food in a short span of time (less than 2 hrs) uncontrollably, eating until they are uncomfortably full. The weight of each individual is usually characterized as above average or overweight, and they tend to have a more difficult time losing and maintaining average healthy weight. Unlike with Bulimia, they do not purge following a Binge episode.

These disorders are more common in women, but men can also be affected. Hereditary is also one of the main causes for this which can be run by generation to generation. Another reason may be the society’s pressure to look good, thin and perfect. Most people who suffer from these disorders have low self-esteem and are perfectionists who require the consultation of the board certified physicians.

Warning Signs Include: 
•    Losing drastic amount of weight
•    Making excuses to avoid eating with others
•    Secretly hoarding unhealthy foods
•    Wearing baggy clothing
•    Being overly concerned that others eat too much 

If you believe a loved one is suffering from an eating disorder, being caring and supportive is very important. You should try to help them identify that they have a severe medical condition and that they may be in need of a proper medical attention. People suffering from these disorders are normally mysterious. They will most likely be excessively sensitive or defensive when confronted. Reassuring them that you are on their side could be their salvation. They should be taken to the urgent care clinic so that they can be given the prior doctor’s advice before the problem turns to be too serious or incurable.

AOK Emergency Room, an urgent care center in Houston provides counseling to the patients suffering from eating disorder. They also can live a healthy life without any serious effects on their body & life. Here, the patient can get a proper diet chart along with various exercises to follow so as to maintain a good physique without any extra efforts and high doses of harmful medicines.

The Significance of Blood Pressure Numbers

The pressure in arteries while the blood is being pumped through the system is called the “Blood Pressure”.  When a person’s pressure is measured, he/she will be given two numbers stated as one “over” another.  The top number (systolic) is the higher number and measures pressure in the arteries when the heart beats which is when heart muscle contracts.  The bottom number (diastolic) is the lower number and measures pressure in arteries between beats which is when the heart is at rest and refilling with blood.  One hundred and twenty over eighty (120/80) are ideal pressure numbers.

Depending on the amount of stress the person is under or the amount of exercise doing, blood pressure will fluctuate throughout the day.  However, pressure that is consistently high will increase the chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke.  In order to dramatically reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke, it is important to check the blood pressure frequently.  If you have diagnosed with high pressure, you should undergo regular checkups and follow the treatment plan given by your doctor, every day. Being conversant about your fitness is always helpful. Blood pressure is no exception, 1/3 people who have strokes die because of high blood pressure.

Studies show that hypertension is a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. About 29% of U.S. adults have high blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association. Although the situation is more common in older people, about 11% of men and 7% of women aged 20 to 34 have high blood pressure.

Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) exposed that approximately 67 million American adults have high blood pressure but more than half of them aren't controlling it properly with medication and lifestyle changes that leads to the risk of dying prematurely.  

As you grow older, the arteries become stiffer and less flexible which increases the risk of high pressure, mainly the top number. While there is nothing you can do with the aging process, you can take steps to prevent the pressure from rising too high even if you didn’t have been diagnosed with high pressure.

Some important suggestions to cure pressure are:

  •    Shed any excess weight
  •    Limit salt in your diet
  •    Exercise regularly
  •    Limit fat in your diet
  •    Avoid smoking

Low blood pressure can also be a big problem.  When the pressure drops, you may feel dizzy or light-headed, and may possibly be faint.  Plenty of fluids should be taken, particularly in hot weather, and avoid consuming alcohol which can be dehydrating.

It is extremely important to seek immediate medical attention if any of these feelings of discomfort are being experienced as they could be an early warning signs. If you experience any signs and Symptoms of Stroke or chest discomfort, then just call (281)542-3998 AOK Emergency Room  for 24 hour emergency care in Houston.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Why to Perform the Drug & Alcohol Screening of Employees?

Drug and alcohol screening is very important within the sensitive jobs. The main concern is the employees who are under the influence may imperil the safety of the public and fellow employees. Urgent care centers like AOK Emergency Room offer a comprehensive array of drug and alcohol testing.

Work Related Injuries

Work Related Injuries

The Department of Transportation (DOT) requires all the employees holding safety & sensitive positions in the industry like transportation, construction, manufacturing, etc to be subjected to a drug and alcohol screening. This includes operators, employees, and employers performing safety-sensitive duties in mass transit, railroad, trucking, pipeline, aviation, and maritime industries. The DOT requires that every company have in place a Drug Free Workplace Policy. Many non-DOT companies choose to have in place a Drug Free Workplace Policy to help reduce workplace accidents and absenteeism and increase productivity.

Drug and alcohol screening at an urgent care center like AOK Emergency Room is done for the following reasons:

Pre-Employment: Prior to hiring someone for a safety-sensitive job, a DOT drug test is necessary. This includes transferring an employee to a sensitive job from a non-sensitive job. Not hiring or not transferring an employee in the first place is easier than terminating them.

Post-Accident: A drug and alcohol screening should be performed by experts from urgent care centers when an employee has been involved in an accident. The screening must be performed within two to four hours for alcohol and 32 hours for drugs.

Reasonable Suspicion: Suspicion is based on the actual observation, appearance, behavior, speech and smell which are typically associated with intoxication. An alcohol screening should be performed if an employee is suspected of being drunk and causing a performance and safety issues.

Return-to-Duty: An employee who refuses to take the alcoholic test must go to a substance abuse professional i.e. DOT approved for evaluation and the treatment. Once the treatment is accomplished then, only the employee will allow returning to his functional area after passing the alcohol screening as positive.

Follow-Up: After an employee has passed a return-to-duty screening, he/she will be subjected to a series of follow-up tests. The series usually consists of six random tests given within one year and may last for up to five years. The screening frequency and length will be prescribed by the substance abuse professional.

AOK Emergency Room is well qualified to perform both the DOT and non-DOT testing. Feel free to contact us at 281 542 3998 in Houston, TX to know more about our emergency services.