Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Significance of Blood Pressure Numbers

The pressure in arteries while the blood is being pumped through the system is called the “Blood Pressure”.  When a person’s pressure is measured, he/she will be given two numbers stated as one “over” another.  The top number (systolic) is the higher number and measures pressure in the arteries when the heart beats which is when heart muscle contracts.  The bottom number (diastolic) is the lower number and measures pressure in arteries between beats which is when the heart is at rest and refilling with blood.  One hundred and twenty over eighty (120/80) are ideal pressure numbers.

Depending on the amount of stress the person is under or the amount of exercise doing, blood pressure will fluctuate throughout the day.  However, pressure that is consistently high will increase the chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke.  In order to dramatically reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke, it is important to check the blood pressure frequently.  If you have diagnosed with high pressure, you should undergo regular checkups and follow the treatment plan given by your doctor, every day. Being conversant about your fitness is always helpful. Blood pressure is no exception, 1/3 people who have strokes die because of high blood pressure.

Studies show that hypertension is a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. About 29% of U.S. adults have high blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association. Although the situation is more common in older people, about 11% of men and 7% of women aged 20 to 34 have high blood pressure.

Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) exposed that approximately 67 million American adults have high blood pressure but more than half of them aren't controlling it properly with medication and lifestyle changes that leads to the risk of dying prematurely.  

As you grow older, the arteries become stiffer and less flexible which increases the risk of high pressure, mainly the top number. While there is nothing you can do with the aging process, you can take steps to prevent the pressure from rising too high even if you didn’t have been diagnosed with high pressure.

Some important suggestions to cure pressure are:

  •    Shed any excess weight
  •    Limit salt in your diet
  •    Exercise regularly
  •    Limit fat in your diet
  •    Avoid smoking

Low blood pressure can also be a big problem.  When the pressure drops, you may feel dizzy or light-headed, and may possibly be faint.  Plenty of fluids should be taken, particularly in hot weather, and avoid consuming alcohol which can be dehydrating.

It is extremely important to seek immediate medical attention if any of these feelings of discomfort are being experienced as they could be an early warning signs. If you experience any signs and Symptoms of Stroke or chest discomfort, then just call (281)542-3998 AOK Emergency Room  for 24 hour emergency care in Houston.

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